Bewooded is a personal blog for creative people without creative budgets.

I love making stuff! Always have, always will. The medium does change from time but wood is something that I’ve always enjoyed working with. It’s just so versatile!

Let’s be honest, there are many woodwork bloggers out there who create beautiful pieces of furniture. The issue is that they have a fantastic set of tools and large garages to be able to make those things. I don’t have either of those and I’d bet there are millions of others who don’t. Unfortunately, this makes their projects unrelatable to us mere mortals. 

Here at Bewooded, I try to be a little different from other bloggers in the woodwork world. 

I believe everyone, even those without power tools, should be able to have a go at making things out of wood. Creativity shouldn’t be a luxury!

This is why my projects focus on using simple tools such as a hand saw and drill. The only power tools I own are a cheap table saw and an electric sander. I try to avoid using the table saw unless necessary and I will always refer to how feasible the project would be without one.

Check out some of my projects by clicking here

I package some of my more precise projects into woodwork plans designed for beginners. Those definitely don’t require anything more powered than a drill! 

Check those out by clicking here

Generally, I just love nature so you will find plenty of garden-related projects on this blog if that’s what you’re into too. I believe that by moving away from mass-produced furniture/ clothes/ food we can greatly reduce the impact we have on our environment. 

Creativity is a skill that shouldn’t cost the earth.

If any of this resonates with you, you can sign up for my newsletter to keep up with what I’m working on or follow me on socials below.